QWWT Release Day!


Hi everyone,

I’m delighted to say that Queer Weird West Tales is officially out today!

Now you can order it as an eBook or paperback copy from whichever store you prefer, and it’ll be with you as soon as physically possible. Amazing!

The cover of the anthology Queer Weird West Tales, edited by Julie Bozza. The book's tagline is "the Other is always already there". The background is a colourful, abstract swirly pattern with the shape of a mountain visible in black, beyond cracked earth. The colours partially obscure the mountain like a mist.

22 stories set on various frontiers explore the mysteries, magic and monsters of the edge of what we know. Every story is different, so you’re bound to fall in love with some of them!

I’m really enjoying reading them all – there’s a lot of book for your buck here, so despite starting a while ago I’m still going! And if you have read the anthology, we’d really appreciate you telling your friends (or leaving a review). Thanks!

Talk to you soon!

‘Margaret’ on the Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast


Hi everyone,

I’m a little late putting this post up but I just wanted to let you all know that the Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast has featured Margaret in audio form in the latest episode. It’s an enormous honour and privilege to have Heather Rose Jones give voice to my words. Please do go and check the podcast out! (And the previous episode is all about Austen, too, with a couple of mentions of yours truly…)

And if you want to own Margaret in eBook form, of course, it is available through various retailers here.

Talk to you soon!

A Hallowe’en Treat Hunt!


Hi, everyone!

I think it’s safe to say that 2020 has been quite a weird year. And, since Hallowe’en is coming up, and it might not be safe or legal to go door-to-door shaking down the neighbours for sweets, I’ve been trying to think of a fun alternative to trick-or-treating – especially since we have our four year old niece on the big night. Here’s what I’ve come up with; I’m sharing it in the hope that it might be helpful to others who might be stuck for activities (apple bobbing is probably out this year, too).

The idea here is a treasure hunt that’s also a spooky (but not scary) story. The locations should exist in most homes, but you might want to adjust it to suit you – and some are a little open to interpretation! You can run this as a traditional treasure hunt, with the player(s) using each clue to find the next verse until they reach a prize at the end, or you can make it a bit more like an Easter Egg hunt by keeping hold of the clues and hiding a small treat in each location. Either way, I’d say you should have at least one treat (of whatever nature you prefer) waiting with you at the end of verse 7. And if you’re feeling especially spooky, you can turn the lights out and have the players hunt by torchlight!

If your players are older kids, you might want to write the clues down and let them read them, or you might like to read them out. You can also choose to read the whole thing out, or stop before the final word [in brackets] and let them guess the rhyme. Depending which of these you’re doing, one of the verses is slightly different, but it’s clearly labeled. So, here we go!

A Spooky-themed (but not actually scary) Story

1. Once there was a monster
With a broken claw,
Who thought he heard a friend
Knock-knocking on his [DOOR]

2. He opened it and looked,
But nobody was there!
He frowned and scratched his head
And went back to his [CHAIR]

3. “That’s funny,” said the monster,
“I think I’ll have a drink”
And went to fill his glass
With water from the [SINK]

4. But when he turned the tap on
Out came a ghost instead
The monster was quite frightened
And hid under his [BED]

5. “I’ve brought you treats,” the ghost said,
“I’ve brought you treats galore”
The monster thought about it
Then crept out on the [FLOOR]

6. “I know you’re trying to trick me,”
Said the monster, scared of shocks
“But if you’ll go away right now
I’ll give you all my [SOCKS]!”

7a. If you’re reading clues out in full, or the player(s) are reading independently:
The ghost said to the monster
“I understand, I do
But this is not a trick
These treats are all for YOU!”

7b. If the player (singular) is guessing rhymes:
The ghost said to the monster
“I understand, I see
But this is not a trick
These treats are all for…” [ME!]

7c. If the players (plural) are guessing rhymes:
The ghost said to the monster
“I understand the fuss
But this is not a trick
These treats are all for…” [US!]

8. The monster quickly realised
The ghost could be a friend
And so our spooky story
Has come now to the [END].

All right – it’s possible that upon receipt of goodies in verse 7, your players might not be interested in hearing verse 8! But hopefully they’ll have had some fun. If you do give this a try, I’d love to hear how it goes!

Talk to you soon!

Secret project revealed!


Hi, everyone!

Well, I’ve been talking on and off about a new project I’ve been working on, so here’s the ‘big reveal’, as it were. Quite a small reveal, actually, but… I’ve been writing a podcast! Listen to the trailer here and, if it sounds like your cup of tea, keep an eye out for the launch in January.

Welcome to Wandering Mind, an audio tour of some of the most incredible holiday destinations you can possibly imagine…

So far, I’ve had a lot of fun writing in this fictional world, and I’m really looking forward to other people getting to visit it, too!

This is a new genre for me – and a new medium – and I’m really enjoying it, so I hope you will too. I am still attempting NaNo – it was going so well at first – but I’ll tell you about that in another update.

Talk to you soon!

It’s been a while. Again.


Hi everyone!

…Yeesh. I have been awful at keeping you guys in the loop lately. I’m really sorry about that. The truth is, there hasn’t been a lot to tell. I moved house seven months ago and the dust hasn’t really settled yet! There are still things in boxes. Lots of things.

However, I do have a project on the go that I hope I’ll be able to give you more information about soon – it’ll probably be launching early next year and it might appeal to the more audio-minded of you. I will tell you it’s not an audiobook of anything you’ve previously heard about here, but that’s it for now… I’ll use ‘giving you more information’ as my motivation to post here more often!

I am… tentatively… planning to do NaNoWriMo as usual this year (I’ve got two linked manuscripts to finish drafting, so I’m rebelling to do that, unless I get a last minute idea and drop everything for it) and after that there will probably be festive shenanigans to fit in around the prep for the above-mentioned ‘secret project’ so it might get a little hectic. That will either translate into lots of blog posts or no blog posts at all. We shall see, I suppose.

Anyway, if you’re still following this blog, thanks for your patience, and I’ll talk to you soon!

Be My Valentine?


Valentine's Bash Facebook event graphic. Go to Cafe Lima - Ana Newfolk's Hangout to join 30 authors sharing free flash fiction.

Hi, everyone!

I know – it’s all very sudden. But I’d love it if you’d join me for a bit of a Valentine’s get-together. 30 authors, including yours truly, are (virtually) meeting to share new free flash fiction with the world. There will also undoubtedly be giveaways, opportunities to ask any burning questions, and plenty of fun to go around!

I’ll be taking over the lovely Ana Newfolk’s Facebook group, Cafe Lima, for an hour on the 10th of February, starting at 20:00 GMT, which is 15:00 EST. You can check what time that is where you are by clicking here. See you then?

Valentine's Bash Facebook event graphic. My hour is 15:00 EST on the 10th of February.

Talk to you soon!

Surprise! Preorders open now.


Hi everyone,

Yes, I know, I vanished again. But I’m back, and I have exciting news! Well, I’m excited, anyway, and I hope you will be too.

Preorders are now open for my brand new eBook, The Highwayman (universal link). It’s a short story inspired by Alfred Noyes’ 1906 poem of the same name, a poem I’ve loved since I first heard it 17 years ago. Life is tough at the moment, for a lot of people, and I wanted to give the story a bit more of a hopeful slant – and, because I could, a bit of an LGBT+ angle.

Here’s the blurb – and the cover, based on a gorgeous image from Petrafler on Shutterstock.

Silhouette of a highwayman on blue background. Text reads: The Highwayman. Eleanor Musgrove, inspired by Alfred Noyes.

Bess lives a simple existence as the daughter of an innkeeper – or so it seems. But she and her forbidden lover, the notorious highwayman plaguing the area, have more secrets to keep than just their clandestine moonlit meetings. Even one overheard conversation could change both of their lives forever.

Inspired by Alfred Noyes’ tragic poem of the same name, this adaptation reimagines the story of the ill-fated lovers with an LGBT+ twist – and a touch of hope…

It’s available for $1.99 or about £1.52, and I hope you’ll enjoy it! Preorders are open now, and the book will be out on February 3rd.

I’ll be back next week with a bit more information about a couple of promotional activities, but if you’re interested in the story please do preorder it!

Talk to you soon!

It’s that time of year again…



Hello, everyone!

The Rainbow Advent Calendar is back! I’m sorry this is late, but at least that means you can click the banner above (or here) and get the first week’s worth of stories right now – at two a day, that’s thirteen LGBT+ stories, completely free! More will be coming very soon, including – at some point – one by yours truly…

Join the Facebook group for updates, and why not check out last year’s stories for extra festivity?

NaNo went well – I did win in the end, though it was a close thing, and I ended up pouring those words into four different projects in order to pull it off. Now I’ve got to get to work on finishing those projects, tidying them up, and, er… getting on with my real life, somewhere in there, hopefully!

Talk to you soon!

NaNoWriMo is here!


Hi, everyone!

Yes, yes, I know. I’ve been quiet again. It’s been all go here, with various work being done on the house (largely by my very talented sister, with muggins here passing things over and holding ladders), and blogging fell off the radar for a bit. It’s unlikely to resume with any sort of consistency this month, because as usual I am attempting NaNoWriMo.


Feel free to add me as a writing buddy if you like! I’ve put my gentleman adventurer on hold for now – I need to have a rethink of some of his exploits – and am working on a prequel to last year’s NaNo novel, The Painter and the Priest. It’s rather looking as if I might write three or four books in this little set, so I’m keen to get as many words down this month as possible. Again, blogging is unlikely to get a look in.

I will, however, talk to you soonish!

The Illogical Solution


Hi, everyone!

There is a toddler in my house. She is my niece, and I love her very much. She is also currently screaming the house down because she would rather do anything – anything – than go to sleep. She’s so tired at this point that all she can think to do is cry about how much she wants to read a story (she’s done that) or watch TV, or have breakfast, or literally anything but lie down and go to sleep, which would solve her problem. It is utterly illogical (and slightly deafening), but she’s two. Fair play to her.

People can be illogical, even when they’re not two years old. Who hasn’t, as a reader or viewer, experienced at least one instance of screaming “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?” at a protagonist? The more crucial the action they need to take is, the more likely they are to do the complete opposite (because stress is a hell of a thing, and because so is the universe’s sense of humour). Sometimes, it can be enough to make you want to slam the book shut and hurl it across the room.

However, as with my niece, characters tend to pull themselves together eventually and do the sensible thing, especially if they have help. My sister, for example, is currently sitting with my niece and telling her, calmly and firmly, that it is bedtime. After forty-five minutes or so of struggle, the screaming has stopped. My niece, hopefully, is ready to sleep. And so are the rest of us.

It’s an idea for NaNoWriMo, I suppose – if your story is plodding along in an achingly predictable way and you’re not quite desperate enough to call in the legendary Travelling Shovel of Death, why not have your character face a choice between the right way and the utterly stupid way of doing things, and pick the wrong one? Nothing sets a chain of events in motion like a bad decision, after all. And if the book you’re reading has just taken an utterly disastrous turn, hang in there. Chances are, the character who just messed up will sort themselves out eventually.

Apologies for the week’s radio silence (and for this self-indulgent, I-can’t-hear-myself-think blog post) – I had a terrible cold that knocked me out completely for several days. Hopefully, normal service should resume now.

Talk to you soon!