Plans afoot


Not much to report today – I got home from work exhausted and spent the evening doing some preliminary character creation, mostly on The Sims…

No writing – I thought I’d take a day to cleanse my palette, as it were, after finishing BH2’s first draft yesterday. NaNo approaches, and that excited feeling is beginning to take over from the nerves…

Talk to you tomorrow!

First Draft Complete!


So, after my midnight blog post last night, I kept writing. So while my words were technically written today, it feels like they were yesterday.

I had planned to get an extra hour’s sleep as the clocks went back here in the UK, but I ended up using my extra hour for evil writing. And I finished the first draft of the Bowler Hat sequel!

It’s going to need some serious editing after November is out of the way, but I’m glad to have it done. There’s something very satisfying about having a completed manuscript, regardless of the quality. Which reminds me – let me just go and back that up.

…Right. Done. Always do that, readers. Untold woe awaits those who don’t back up their work.

Anyway, today I had some errands to run, and while I wasn’t doing that I got some more planning and a bit of character creation going for NaNo. I really don’t know if I’ll hit 50k words, but I mean to give it my best shot and finishing up this draft of BH2 has given me a bit more optimism. In the meantime, between now and the 1st of November, I plan to write some fanfiction – a lovely, rewarding experience I wish I was better at keeping up with. So that’ll be nice, and a welcome change of pace.

Total written today: 630 words.

October total so far: 10449 words.

2015 total so far: 238604 words.

Talk to you tomorrow!

Picking up speed


I’m not going to lie, it’s been an exhausting week so I pretty much paid in my wages and then went straight back to bed today. However, I have managed to do some writing (in between watching Doctor Who and Scream 4) and I’m tantalisingly close to finishing the first draft. Just a few more words and an epilogue and I think I’m set. Hopefully I can fit all that in tomorrow – it would be nice to go back to work on Monday with another novel under my belt, even if it is just the beginning of the process. Then next week can be NaNo prep time (I’m a little behind).

Total written today: 686 words.

October total so far: 9819 words.

2015 total so far: 237974 words.

Talk to you tomorrow!



I finished that scene that was driving me nuts. Two scenes, and the first draft of the Bowler Hat sequel will be done. Scary, but awesome.

So, obviously, I spent the rest of the evening colouring in my new NaNo chart (nearly done!).

Total written today: 255 words.

October total so far: 9133 words.

2015 total so far: 237288 words.

Talk to you tomorrow!

I had hopes…


…Alas, I managed fewer than 200 words on the Bowler Hat sequel tonight. I didn’t sleep well last night, and then it was a long day at work… I’m disappointed in myself, despite all these excuses, but I’m also glad I at least managed to write something.

Busy weekend looming, too. Still, I’ll try to catch up!

Total written today: 182 words.

October total so far: 8878 words.

2015 total so far: 237033 words.

Talk to you tomorrow!

NaNo is looking daunting…


Today I wrote less than 250 words of Bowler Hat sequel. NaNo is looming, and I’m beginning to worry that I won’t be able to complete it. Still, it won’t stop me trying, and I’m hoping I can cram in enough words at the weekends to make up for the weekdays.

On the other hand, I got some preliminary beta feedback from my last Bowler Hat beta, and it sounds as if he’s enjoying it, so that’s a nice feeling.

Total written today: 247 words.

October total so far: 8696 words.

2015 total so far: 236851 words.

Talk to you tomorrow…

A little progress is better than none


I’ve been exhausted all day. Sometimes that just happens, and there’s not much point fighting it if what’s getting onto the page is no good and it’s not inspiring you.

That said, I did manage to get a little of BH2 done, and I now have a little more confidence that I know what I’m doing with these last three scenes. We’ll see if that lasts through the edit! But for now, it’s a start, and it’s very close to being a finish.

Total written today: 158 words.

October total so far: 8449 words.

2015 total so far: 236604 words.

Talk to you tomorrow!

Another night off


Alright, so I’ve had a few of these lately. But I didn’t get much sleep last night, and I’m struggling with the third-from-last scene I still have to write. I could write the other two, but I don’t want to be stuck on the last scene. So I’m taking a break, watching The Walking Dead, and I’ll be back tomorrow.

Talk to you then!